H-1B Visa Alternatives in Tennessee

H-1B visas are very popular for noncitizens traveling to Tennessee and the rest of the country for work. However, there is an annual cap on how many H-1B visas can be obtained. Those who expected to obtain an H1-B visa but were not approved before the program closed may be in search of potential alternatives…

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The Impact of Social Media on Child Custody Cases

If you ask your friends, family, or coworkers how often they use social media, most will likely say at least a few hours a week. Social media has become a widely used tool to keep in touch, update, and even meet new people. While social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok have many…

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Can Grandparents Get Visitation in Knoxville?

When a marriage ends, it impacts not just the couple but also the children and grandparents. In many situations, visitation for grandparents can be a very good thing, supporting the health and wellbeing of the child. However, there are limitations on when this can be imposed and whether or not it will be by the…

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What Happens to Your Marriage-Based Green Card When You Divorce?

Receiving a green card in the United States often hinges on being married to a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident. When the marriage doesn’t work out, it can significantly impact your immigration status. If you are considering divorce and are a green card holder or your ex is, there are several key things…

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How to Address Family-Owned Businesses in Tennessee Divorces

Navigating a divorce when you own a family business can be complex and stressful. Many business owners worry about the potential impacts on their business, including the possibility of losing or having to shut it down. At LaFevor & Slaughter, our family law attorneys in Knoxville provide the support and guidance you need to find…

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How to Be a Good Divorce Client

The very nature of divorce is stressful for everyone involved. This enormous stress will cause clients to behave badly at times. Dealing with people in a constant state of anxiety creates an unbelievable amount of stress on family law attorneys, who may be subject to their own types of bad behavior. This combination can be…

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What Does “Income” Means When It Comes to Child Support?

The goal of considering income in child support calculations is to ensure that both parents contribute proportionally to the financial support of their child, taking into account their respective abilities to pay. “Income” in the context of child support refers to the financial resources that a parent has available to contribute to the support of…

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Why Is My Divorce Taking So Long?

The time it takes to get divorced depends on various factors including whether the divorce is contested or uncontested, the complexity of the issues involved, and the local court’s schedule. It typically takes several months to get a Knoxville divorce finalized, even if the divorce is uncontested. The process of getting a divorce in Knoxville…

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Who’s a Good Candidate for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

Whether you have recently divorced, lost a job or business, became sick, or suffered some other kind of significant financial setback, you may have accrued substantial amounts of debt. In these situations, chapter 13 bankruptcy may be a potential option for you. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is referred to as a “wage earner’s plan,” meaning that…

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