How to Be a Good Divorce Client

The very nature of divorce is stressful for everyone involved. This enormous stress will cause clients to behave badly at times. Dealing with people in a constant state of anxiety creates an unbelievable amount of stress on family law attorneys, who may be subject to their own types of bad behavior. This combination can be…

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Why Is My Divorce Taking So Long?

The time it takes to get divorced depends on various factors including whether the divorce is contested or uncontested, the complexity of the issues involved, and the local court’s schedule. It typically takes several months to get a Knoxville divorce finalized, even if the divorce is uncontested. The process of getting a divorce in Knoxville…

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New Holiday Traditions for Your First Post-Divorce Christmas

While you may have made it through the hard part – finishing the divorce process– there are still going to be new challenges ahead of you. For example, what do your holiday plans look like? Do you have your children for this time, or are they with your former spouse? No matter what your predicament…

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What Does a “Temporary Order” Mean in Terms of My Divorce?

A divorce is a complex and emotionally challenging process involving the legal dissolution of a marriage. During the course of a divorce, you and your spouse must address numerous issues, ranging from property division and financial matters to child custody and support arrangements. In the state of Tennessee, the court system recognizes the need to…

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Who Claims the Kids? (And Other Post-Divorce Tax Questions)

It is normal for people to have a lot of questions related to filing their taxes. However, if an individual is going through a divorce, taxes can become a little more difficult to understand. That is where our family lawyers at the Law Offices of LaFevor & Slaughter come in, as we have the experience…

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Who Pays for My Child’s Medical Care After a Divorce?

Ending a marriage is almost always a process, especially if there are children involved. If you and your ex-spouse reside in Knoxville, TN and you will be the one paying child support, you might wonder if that involves covering all medical expenses. The short answer is “yes” – child support can be used to cover…

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Can The Family Court Judge Deny My Divorce?

So, you have decided to divorce your spouse. You believe you have proper grounds for divorce, and you’re ready to get this marriage over with as soon as possible. Then, when you present your case to the judge, he/she denies your divorce. You didn’t even know something like this could happen. What now? Can a…

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Can My Ex-Spouse Go After My Business in a Divorce?

In addition to marrying and starting a family, some couples take it a step further and start a business together. While it is admirable to see anyone take on a business venture, things can get challenging if the married couple has to divorce. When a married couple begins the divorce process, their assets must be…

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